At the time when this album was released, there would have been a higher chance of me being caught dead rather than listening to this type of music (to get it out of the way, I see this labeled as indie folk/rock).
But you know, people evolve and all that shit. Supposedly, the track that got my attention now (also the one in the YT video below) was also featured on The O.C., a show that I've watched twice during the course of the years. To my excuse I'm somewhat of an everlasting teenager, so we can chalk that up to blissful ignorance and get on with it.
During 'The OC' I don't remember any music that would tickle my fancy, mainly because my general preoccupation at the time was to discover as many metal bands as possible, a habit I've not shed completely as of yet, only toned down a bit. But let's get back to what matters, namely Syd Matters (see the pun? Oh yeah, I haven't lost my touch, my jokes only resemble Mark Watney's now). What got me listening to this band in 2015 was Life Is Strange, an adventure game that in my mind played like a mix of "Back to the Future" and "The O.C", filled with indie songs that stuck with me because, well, indie music and teenage drama seem to go hand in hand since like, well before indie music and teenage drama were actually invented.
Chances are, if you're into this type of stuff, you'll probably like it by default. If you're like me and needed some incentive to listen to it before going back and murdering your neighbors with heavy metal, then go take a look at "Life Is Strange" after which come back to this review. You'll thank me later.
Or not. Not that I really care, you're free to listen to whatever 'hella' type of music you want, am I right?
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